AndIwannabeonthecoverofamagazine. 但首先我想演一部黑人娱乐台的电影 Butfirst,IwannabeinoneofthemBETvideos. 妈妈说我舞跳得不错 MommasaidIcan'tdance. 但是她说反正也没有人想看我跳舞 Plus,shesaid,whowantstoseemybigassdancing,anyhow? 如果没有自愿的话那我就点名了 ...
Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire (2009)0 CommentsHome » Movie » Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire (2009) Dro on February 27th, 2010 7/10 拍得挺边缘的,一个给父亲生了两个孩子的可怜胖黑妞在家里受到母亲的重重虐待,在她刚在学校找到希望的时候却得知父亲...
Love Is The Message Now That I Know Who I Am System Somethin's Comin' My Way It Took A Long Time Letters 喜欢听"Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· The Lincoln Lawyer (Original Motio... 6.0 Three 7.0 A Song for You: Live Duplicity 7.4 Do...
One for the Stuff White People Like canon,Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphireis an impeccably acted piece of trash—an exploitation film that shamelessly strokes its audience’s sense of righteous indignation. “Your tongue hasn’t cluckedthishard sinceCrash,” the tagline for the fil...
"Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' By Sapphire" is an ungainly title for a powerfully ungainly movie. Boxers like to say that a punch hurts less if you see it coming. I saw just about every punch coming my way in "Precious" and yet it still packs a hurtful wallop. It melo...
又名珍爱 珍爱人生(台) 天生不是宝贝(港) 珍贵 真爱 新方向... 编剧 格弗瑞·弗莱彻Sapphire 主演 加布蕾·丝迪贝莫妮克玛丽亚·凯莉Lenny KravitzAngelic Zambrana 剧情 时间是1987年,在纽约城的黑人区里住着一位极为肥胖的16岁少女卡布莱希斯(Prec... 获奖 获奖2次, 提名5次 视频(4) 02:31 预...
Letters 实际上我爱且仅爱这一首。在奥斯卡颁奖礼上,最佳剧本改编的颁奖,结束时响起的就是这首的高潮,那个编剧有些哽咽,台下的人泪光闪闪,然后我就心疼了。每次听到都像吸毒一样沉溺。
上世纪80年代,又胖又丑的黑人女孩叫克拉丽丝·珍爱·琼斯(嘉伯蕾·西蒂比 Gabourey Sidibe 饰)和暴虐的母亲依靠救济金一起生活,目不识丁的她给自己取名珍爱。年仅16岁的她有个智障女儿的同时还怀有两个月的身孕,而孩子们的父亲就是强奸她的父亲。珍爱时常幻想着自己有迷人的舞姿,有艳丽的舞台,还有一个帅气的...
又名:珍爱人生(台) / 天生不是宝贝(港) / 真爱 / 新方向 / 宝贵人生 / 遗失的美好 / Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire / Push 剧情简介 ✪上世纪80年代,又胖又丑的黑人女孩叫克拉丽丝·珍爱·琼斯(嘉伯蕾·西蒂比 Gabourey Sidibe 饰)和暴虐的母亲...如果有榜单评选2009年最感人的一部电影,那无疑会是《珍爱》(Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire)。从去年1月份的圣丹斯电影节开始,这部讲述了16岁黑人少女在立志走出贫穷和屈辱前经历过的艰难生活的电影引爆了世界观众的泪腺,并且将一直持续到今年3月份的奥斯卡颁奖...