HTTP 基本认证:当应用使用 HTTP 基本认证时,可以从 HTTP 请求头中提取用户名和密码,并使用 PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken 进行认证。 远程令牌服务:当应用依赖于外部令牌服务进行认证时,可以从令牌服务中获取用户的认证信息,并使用 PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken 进行处理。 4. PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken ...
"pre-authenticated entry point called"这句话的意思是“预认证的入口点被调用”。 在计算机安全和身份验证的上下文中,预认证通常意味着在用户尝试访问某个资源或服务之前,已经对其进行了某种形式的身份验证。例如,某些服务可能要求用户在尝试访问之前提供用户名和密码或其他形式的身份验证。在这种情况下,预认证入口点...;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@BeanpublicPreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProviderpreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider(){finalPreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider provider =newPr...
A pre-authenticated token system includes an identification token having a switch, a transmitter and receiver circuit, and a sensor; a docking station having control circuitry, a transmit/receive circuit and an antenna; a personal computer; and an authentication server computer. The personal computer...
With Oracle Autonomous Database’s Pre-Authenticated Request (PAR) URL capabilities, this balance is now achievable. PAR URLs enable effortless yet secure data sharing with REST clients, providing a simple and effective solution to traditional barriers like slow, manual processes or complex permis...
Depending on how you generate a Pre-Authenticated Request (PAR) URL, a PAR URL provides access to data in tables or views or by running a SQL query. When you generate a PAR URL you specify an expiration, either as an expiration time, for example set the PAR URL to exp...
ACCESS_TYPE_ANY_OBJECT_READ A constant which can be used with the access_type property of a PreauthenticatedRequest. ACCESS_TYPE_ANY_OBJECT_READ_WRITE A constant which can be used with the access_type property of a PreauthenticatedRequest. ACCESS_TYPE_ANY_OBJECT_WRITE A constant...
本文整理了Java中类的一些代码示例,展示了PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken类的具体用法。这些代码示例主要来源于Github/Stackoverflow/Maven等平台,是从一些精选项目中提取出来的代码,具有较强的参考意义,能在一定程度帮忙到你。PreAu...类属于包。 使用说明:用于处理处理预身份验证请求的过滤器的基类,其中假定主体已通过外部系统的身份验证。
1) Pre-authenticated Remote Code Execution in cs.exe (CVE-2022-45923) TheCommon Gateway Interface (CGI)programcs.exeof theContent Serverhas a vulnerability, which allows an attacker to increase/decrease an arbitrary memory address by 1 and to trigger a call to a method of ...