preact 对内部执行逻辑进行了扩展,在运行时利用 useSyncExternalStore 为组件增加一个可以更新的状态,只要有一个组件使用到了 useSignals 或 signals 时,value 就是触发 useSyncExternalStore 更新,来达到自动跟踪 hook 效果,这个状态就是用来渲染组件的关键因素(可是为什么不直接使用 useState 呢) 显然,这样的方法在r...
Preact Signals 本身在状态管理上区别于 React Hooks 上的一个点在于: Signals 本身是基于应用的状态图去做数据更新,而 Hooks 本身则是依附于 React 的组件树去进行更新。 介绍 Preact Signals 是 Preact 团队在22年9月引入的一个特性。我们可以将它理解为一种细粒度响应式数据管理的方式,这个在很多前端框架中都...
左边用的是Preact Hooks,右边用的是Composition API… 哦不,是Preact Signals。可以看到Signals的表现完胜Hooks! 那Preact的老师React有在React里实现Vue的计划吗?答案是否定的,自从Preact Signals发布后大家就疯狂@Dan,Dan看完后直接来了句:这与React的发展理念不是很吻合。(潜台词:我们才不会在R...
Manage state with style in React. Latest version: 3.0.1, last published: 4 days ago. Start using @preact/signals-react in your project by running `npm i @preact/signals-react`. There are 73 other projects in the npm registry using @preact/signals-react.
完全披露:我是维护者。 他们确实可以使用React 18和目前所有已知的React功能,尽管React团队在推特上公开表示,他们计划在未来推出一些功能,这些功能将破坏我们目前的实...
import{signal}from"@preact/signals";constcount=signal(0);// Read a signal’s value by ...
use the@preact/signals-reactpackage to setup and access signals inside your components and this package is one way to automatically subscribe your components to rerender when the signals you use change. To understand how to use signals in your components, check out theSignals React documentation....
Preact Signals: Supercharge your React/Preact development! Unleash the power of reactive programming with hooks, components, a TanStack query adapter, and more. Code smarter, not harder - preact-signals/packages/react/ at main · XantreDev/preact
2. Integrate into frameworks as if they were native built-in primitives. You don't need any selectors, wrapper functions, or anything else. Signals can be accessed directly and your component will automatically re-render when the signal's value changes. ...