Preaching in a Different Key: Preaching the Gospel According to Paul[Article in Spanish]Frank J. MateraRev Argent MicrobiolRevista Argentina De Microbiología
all of them in John and all related to the subject of believing. I knew the purpose of John's Gospel was that his readers might believe in Jesus (John 20:31) and that believing was a key theological theme (the Greek termpisteuwis used nearly one hundred times in John). I had...
love, and redemption that is offered to anyone. It’s a new beginning, and it leads to eternal life in Heaven. Every part of it speaks to our hearts. The love of Jesus cannot be denied. What part of the gospel speaks to you the most?
Preached the gospel. Sermon A religious discourse, especially one delivered as part of a service. Preaching To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with Preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence. Sermon An often lengthy and tedious speech of reproof or exhortation "his father'...
He preaches out of an overwhelming inner necessity, his heart ablaze with a holy fire, which neither competing attractions nor any natural reluctance in the face of staggering hostility to his message can ever extinguish. With Paul he cries, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (...
preaching The Jagged Word Where the sacred & profane collide preaching Preaching the Image TTRead More When people believe there is a truth, the goal is for me to be detached and objective so […]
”InKoreanAmericansandTheir Religions:PilgrimsandMissionariesfromaDifferent Shore,edited by Ho-Youn Kwon,Kwang-ChungKim,andR.StephenWarner,UniversityPark: Pennsylvania State UniversityPress, 484–491.Lehmann,Paul.1995.TheDecalogueandaHumanFuture: TheMeaningof theCommandmentsfor MakingandKeeping HumanLifeHuman....
Preachers familiar with the Lectionary will not be taken off guard that the very first Gospel reading to begin the church’s year is a potentially anxiety-inducing warning of the end. The Preacher is advised to lean into that shock and awe, and not ameliorate it to the images of babies in...
a detailed and fascinating look at what it has meant to communicate the gospel over the past two thousand years. By looking at how the gospel has been communicated over time and across different cultures, pastors, scholars, and homiletics students can enrich their own understanding and practice ...