preproduction review 表示什么审稿状态呢?以下是我往JOSA B投稿的稿件状态,大家帮忙看看是什么意思呢 Your manuscript is in preproduction review. On 10/05/2006 the first decision was made on your manuscript with a result of Manuscript Requires Major Revisions Peer review for your manuscript was comp...
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preproduction review 表示什么审稿状态呢?以下是我往JOSA B投稿的稿件状态,大家帮忙看看是什么意思呢 Your manuscript is in preproduction review. On 10/05/2006 the first decision was made on your manuscript with a result of Manuscript Requires Major Revisions Peer review for your manuscript was comp...