Use of the preparticipation physical examination form to screen for the female athlete triad in Canadian interuniversity sport universities. Clin J Sport Med 2005;15:320-5.Rumball JS, Lebrun CM: Use of the preparticipation physical examination form to screen for the female athlete triad in ...
No longer done routinely withSports Physicalnow Schedule separate gynecologic exam if indicated Ask aboutAmenorrhea(Female Athlete Triad) Tanner Stagingor Menstrual dating SeeSexual Developmentin Girls XIII. Resources Preparticipation Exam
It is recommended that a standardized form (or part of the form) be developed for the female athlete.JaneFromSusannahFromRumballFromEBSCO_AspClinical Journal of Sport MedicineRumball JS, Lebrun CM. Preparticipation physical examination: selected issues for the female athlete. Clin J Sport Med. ...
The preparticipation physical exami- nation. Clin Cornerstone. 2001;3(5):10-25.Glover D, MD, Maron B, MD. The preparticipation Physical Examination. The Physician and Sportmedicine, Vol 27, NO. 8, August 1999Greg Rowdon MD. The Pre-Participation Physical Examination[M].Mosby Publishers ...
Because there is no universally accepted form or format for implementing the PPE, there are wide variations in examination effectiveness. These variations undermine the merit of the adolescent PPE nationwide. Studied and discussed in the medical literature over the past 20 years, the content, format...
sports preparticipation examinationchronic illnessphysical exercisesports participationAll youth, including those with chronic illness, need regular physical exercise, and sports participation may be the main form of exercise obtained by many youth. Clinicians should encourage these youth to play sports and...
Analysis of the findings resulted in a more standardized approach to the examination and in an improved examination form.CharlesDepartmentW.DepartmentLinderDepartmentRobertDepartmentH.DepartmentDDepartmentRogerDepartmentM.DepartmentSekleckiDepartmentWilliam
Included is a sample preparticipation examination form recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. (IAH)doi:10.1080/00913847.1988.11709628Braden, David S.Strong, William B.Phys SportsmedPhysician & SportsmedicineStrong WB: Preparticipation screening for sudden cardiac death in high school and ...
METHODS. We retrospectively reviewed a corporate wellness program - database and analyzed data recorded from 2017 to 2022 to compare two medical models: a "standard" PPS including medical history, physical examination, electrocardiogram (ECG) and exercise stress test (EST); an "advanced" PPS ...