约翰霍普金斯大学同样拥有世界知名的医学院,同时约翰霍普金斯医院也是美国国内首屈一指的教学医院,为校内Pre-Med本科生带来海量的实习和科研资源。Pre-Med同学可以选择pre-health advising track并搭配任意一门专业,为将来从医学业及事业在规划上做准备,advisor将在选课、科研、实习方面为学生提供全面的规划。校内大量的Pre...
Pre-med Track Challenges Anyone who chooses to take on the pre-med track will face stiff competition from peers, in terms of opportunities for research and extracurricular activities and tough curves. It can be difficult to earn high grades in curved classes that are required for med school, e...
Because of the sheer amount of requirements involved in applying to med school, students who choose the premed track after sophomore year should know that even if they are able to fit in all of their required premed coursework over the next two years, it is unlikely that they will be able...
学生基本都是富裕中产家庭pre-med track的,很乖很认真,每天眨巴着求知若渴的大眼睛,说了可以有两次unexcused absence,居然从不翘课,偶尔因为痛经来不了还会忐忑地写邮件打申请。上课前听他们讨论化学课生物课心理学课,紧张地说起马上要期中考试,很难不在旁边暗暗窃喜。世界交给这些朝气磅礴的乖宝贝们就好了,我这种闲...
You've probably heard of pre-med — but what does that really mean? In this top ten list, Shravya will delve into the definition of pre-med and outline which colleges are the best for students on this track. We will explore schools all over the United States, comparing their relevant pr...
If you want to begin your pre-med track, you’ll have to start by getting into college. To get accepted into a competitive school, you’ll need good grades in rigorous high school classes. Many colleges expect you to take the most challenging classes available at your school, typically AP...
⊕Extracurriculars: When, Where, and Why? ⊕I Got In [Panel] ⊕It’s Never Too Late: The Nontraditional Premed Path ⊕Keeping Track of Your Premed Progress ⊕Study with Precision ⊕Timeline of Premed Years ⊕What is Med School Really Like? [Panel] ...
Changing to a Premed Track: What to Know This may be a surprise: You probably don't need to change your college major. Cassie Kosarek English courses are often a specific premedical requirement, and med schools may acceptcreative writingclasses to fulfill this ...
At Harvard it isn’t. Or at least, for far too many, being on the pre-medical track isn’t about upholding the values my mother instilled in me. Many of my pre-med peers chose this path for its hefty salary or prestige and not (as one would hope) out of selflessness. And their...
One thing you should keep in mind, however, is that some colleges will let you choose specific “tracks” or “paths” to follow, such as pre-medicine or pre-dentistry, in addition to selecting a major. So you can follow your chosen track to ensure...