国外知名Pre-med Program:如哈佛大学的Pre-med Program注重师资力量和实践机会,为学生提供丰富的资源和平台;斯坦福大学的Pre-med Program则注重创新能力和科研素养的培养,鼓励学生积极参与科研项目和创新创业活动。 国内知名Pre-med Program:如北京大学、复旦大学的Pre-med Program在国内备受...
必应词典为您提供pre-med-program的释义,网络释义: 医学预科教育;医学预科学程;
Our pre-med program is designed for students right out of high school or applicants without the prerequisites needed for the 4 year MD program. This program is 4 semesters long or 1 ½ years, and is completed on our Aruba campus.
Pre-Med Program Lamoni, USA Pre-Med Full time 4years On-Campus English Students interested in pursuing a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree should major in Biology or Chemistry (with a Biology minor). For the best preparation, we recommend a double maj...
哥伦比亚大学提供Pre-Med课程方案,联合本科学院与工程及应用科学学院,以搭配学生自选的另一门专业。每一位Pre-Med同学都将会分配一位advisor一对一指导选课。并且,符合条件的学生还可以参与Gerald E. Thompson Undergraduate Pre-Medical Program,提供专业的咨询以及学术指导。
When you’re aiming for a big goal, it’s useful to break it into smaller steps. By gaining relevant experience and recording your involvement, you’ll pave the way for acceptance to a pre-med program. Universities want pre-med students with more than just science, math, and leadership sk...
学生还有机会参加CMMC Family Practice Residency Program。在这个项目中,学生可以在Family Medicine Clinic这一诊所观摩日常医疗工作,接受实习医生和住院医师的指导。在贝茨学院,大部分医学院申请者的本科专业都是生物、化学、生物化学或者神经科学,但也有人学习英语和心理学等非理科专业。
If you want to be accepted to one of the country's best medical schools, you will need to complete a pre med program before you submit your application. Medical schools and colleges are looking for premed students who are high achievers and have successfully completed their premed programs. ...
BS/MD 课程让学生申请一次即可获得理学学士(BS) 和医学博士 (MD)。通常情况下,课程跨越八年(4 年本科生 + 4 年医学院)、七年(3 年本科生 + 4 年医学院)或更少的 6 年(2 年本科生 + 4 年医学院)。 大多数情况下,学生在一所大学能同时获得两个学位,但有些课程需要在两所不同学校配合完成不同的...