所以我便在pre-commit hook里用luac检查语法错误的代码,把这种坑队友的事扼杀在摇篮里。虽然不及cpplint那么强大,但也基本够用了。最近一次改这个脚本是因为前段时间有个小鲜肉做了一张4096x4096的图集,而cocos2d-x文档里写得清清楚楚,大多数手机所支持的最大纹理尺寸其实只有2048x2048...卧槽,干得漂亮啊,一上线...
This PR fixes errors from cpplint in pre-commit ci. When#4was merged,// NOLINTNEXTLINEwas used to suppress errors. However, cpplint in version 1.6.1 does not recognizecppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmeticas a supported category and outputs the following error when you runpre-commit ru...
fail_fast:falserepos: -repo:https://github.com/pocc/pre-commit-hooksrev:masterhooks: -id:clang-formatargs:[--style=Google]-id:clang-tidy-id:oclint-id:uncrustify-id:cppcheck-id:cpplint-id:include-what-you-use All seven linters should fail on commit with these messages. Full text is at...
cpplint...Passed 一些钩子是可以自动帮你修复代码风格错误的,如果不能自动修复则按提示修复代码内容即可。 通过CMake 自动配置 pre-commit 在实际的团队协作中,你很难要求所有人都去手动安装这些钩子来提高代码可读性。特别是新人加入团队,如果这些环境都需要手动配置,那光配置项目的时间可能就要很久。所以我们希望它能...
install_generic_tools.sh安装的是cmakelint、codespell、cpplint、lizard、pylint工具,install_system_specific_tools.sh安装的是clang-format、markdownlint、shellcheck工具。 注意: 在Linux或者Mac环境下执行install_system_specific_tools.sh时涉及sudo命令,请确保执行用户具有sudo权限。 由于本地环境各不相同,在安装过程...
tool can be found here: https://github.com/cpplint/cpplint It's written in python, so should be implement/test against all platforms. pocc closed this as completed in 584adda Aug 31, 2021 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to commen...
However, i didn't expect such a huge churn and diff under /starboard, i think maybe we left some of Pylint / CPPLint config files behind that were previously ignoring a bunch of style diffs ? Can you bring the config files back and re-run ? That would be .clang-format at the toplev...
...(no files to check)Skipped ruff...(no files to check)Skipped cppcheck...(no files to check)Skipped cpplint...(no files to check)Skipped codespell...
# Maybe use https://github.com/cpplint/cpplint instead - repo: local hooks: - id: ament_cpplint name: ament_cpplint description: Static code analysis of C/C++ files. stages: [commit] entry: ament_cpplint language: system files: \.(h\+\+|h|hh|hxx|hpp|cuh|c|cc|cpp|cu|c\+\+|cxx...
- id: cpplint - id: iwyu - id: include-what-you-use ``` All seven linters should fail on commit with these messages. Full text is at [media/all_failed.txt](media/all_failed.txt). <details> <summary>clang-format error (indentation)</summary> ``` clang-format...Failed - hook id...