pre-closed domain.In this paper, we introduce and study new classes of pre-open and pre-closed sets called π--pre-open and π-preclosed, which are the generalizations of both π--open and π-closed. We present and prove some basic properties of them. We prove that an open subspace ...
1) preclosed sets 准闭集1. With the help of the preclosed sets and P remote neighborhoods,we intrduce and study the concept of I * type of connectivity in Lfuzzy topological spaces. 利用准闭集和P远域引入和研究了Lfuzy拓扑空间中的I*型强连通性概念,它保持了一般拓扑空间连通集的若干重要性质...
In this paper, we introduce and study new classes of pre-open and pre-closed sets calledΠ--pre-open and Π-preclosed, which are the generalizations of bothΠ--open and Π-closed. We present and prove some basic properties of them. We prove that an open subspace of a sub-maximal spac...
With α-regular closed remote family,a new paracompactness called *-nearly paracompactness in L-topological spaces was introduced,and was characterized by means of semi-interior. 利用α-正则闭远域族在L-拓扑空间中定义了一种新的仿紧性,即*-拟仿紧性,并用半内部对其进行了刻划。补充...
Bipolar neutrosophic soft generalized pre-closed sets and pre-open sets in topological space Neutrosophic Sets & SystemsP., ArulpandyM., Trinita Pricilla
1) r-preclosed sets r-预闭集 1. R-preopen sets、r-preclosed sets、r-preinterior and r-preclosure are defined in L-smooth topological spaces,some of their basic properties are studied. 文章定义了L-sm ooth拓扑空间中的r-预开集、r-预闭集、r-预内部、r-预闭包,研究了它们的一些基本性质。
PRECLOSED CARDBOARD SLIDE MOUNT A cardboard slide mount includes a base, a cover and a pocket between the base and the cover. The base and cover, which include aligned film windows, form opposing first and second rectangular frames for a film transparency, with the pocket forming a nest for...
Pre-connection is closed (ERRCODE:1009) 描述 预连接未使能。 可能原因 预连接功能未使能。 处理建议 1. 执行命令display current-configuration include-default | include pre-authen-access,查看预连接是否使能。 2. 如果未使能预链接,系统视图下,执行命令authentication pre-authen-access enable,使能预连接...
摘要: I n this paper we discuss new type of continuous functions called Almost slightly pre−continuous, slightly pre-open and slightly pre-closed functions ; its properties and interrelation with other such functions are studied.年份: 2014 ...