Pre-trained language models (PLMs) are first trained on a large dataset and then directly transferred to downstream tasks, or further fine-tuned on another small dataset for specific NLP tasks. Early PLMs, such as Skip-Gram [1] and GloVe [2], are shallow neural networks, and their word e...
为了克服这个问题,置换语言建模 (PLM) [49] 是一个预训练目标 QIU XP 等人。 自然语言处理的预训练模型:一项调查(2020 年 3 月) 以取代 MLM。 简而言之,PLM 是一种对输入序列进行随机排列的语言建模任务。 一个排列是从所有可能的排列中随机抽取的。 然后选择置换序列中的一些标记作为目标,并训练模型预测这些...
论文:Pre-trained Models for Natural Language Processing: A Survey 首先简要介绍了语言表示学习及相关研究进展; 其次从四个方面对现有 PTM (Pre-trained Model) 进行系统分类(Contextual、Architectures、Task Types、Extensions); 再次描述了如何将 PTM 的知识应用于下游任务; 最后展望了未来 PTM 的一些潜在发展方向。
跨模态预训练任务包括Masked Language Modeling (MLM)、Masked Region Prediction (MRP)和Image-Text Matching (ITM)。MLM和MRP有助于学习图像和文本之间的细粒度相关性,而ITM在粗粒度级别上使二者进行对齐,即要求模型确定图像和文本是否匹配并输出对齐概率。跨模态对比学习(CMCL)输入图像和文本匹配的正...
In this article, we introduce the basics of this promising paradigm, describe a unified set of mathematical notations that can cover a wide variety of existing work, and organize existing work along several dimensions, e.g., the choice of pre-trained language models, prompts, and tuning ...
Recently, the emergence of pre-trained models (PTMs) has brought natural language processing (NLP) to a new era. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of PTMs for NLP. We first briefly introduce language representation learning and its research progress. Then we systematically catego...
language processing tasks.A series of improved pre-training models based on BERT have been proposed one after another,and pre-training model extension models designed for various scenarios have also appeared.The expansion of pre-training models from single-language to tasks such as cross-language,...
However, the advent of the pre-trained model (PTM) era has sparked immense research interest, particularly in leveraging PTMs' robust representational capabilities. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the latest advancements in PTM-based CL. We categorize existing methodologies into three ...
Recently, the emergence of pre-trained models (PTMs)has brought natural language processing (NLP) to a new era.In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of PTMs for NLP. We first briefly introduce language representation learning and its research progress. Then we systematically categorize...
论文阅读:Pre-trained Models for Natural Language Processing: A Survey 综述:自然语言处理的预训练模型,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。