Hasil dari penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai rata rata pre-test nya adalah 42.03; termasuk kategori rendah. Kemudian, nilai rata-rata dari post-test adalah 67.81; termasuk kategori rata-rata ke baik. Berdasarkan analisis data, ditemukan bahwa ukuran efektifitas dari penelitian ini adalah 1.99 ...
08 Oct 2021 Blog Post Waspadai Faktor Risiko Prediabetes Prediabetes adalah kondisi saat gula darah meningkat di atas normal, namun belum cukup tinggi untuk sampai jadi diabetes. Waspadai fak... 10 Sep 2021 ID-NONCMCGM-00051-Jan22 References: ...
1994. Applicants are not allowed to apply for scholarships with the results of the pre-test, and each person can only apply for one place. Applicants must understand that this scholarship is not in cash, but is a free academic course offered by each participating university (excluding living ...
Pre-service English teachers' language proficiency level and their readiness to be professional teachers To address the first RQ, the researchers asked the participants about whether they had already taken English Proficiency Test (EPT) or not. Based on the data, 25 participants had taken EPT (e...