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1.What is the pre-license course requirement for a real estate license in Alabama? 120 hours 30 hours 60 hours 90 hours Check your knowledge of this course with a practice test Comprehensive test covering all topics in Alabama Real Estate Salesperson Pre-License Exam: Study Guide and T...
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Once you have completed the Indiana 90-hour real estate pre-licensing course, you must pass a course exam that will help prepare you for the state exam. The exam consists of 130 questions with a minimum passing score of 75%. 3 Complete the background check You may need to submit a back...
Define prescreen. prescreen synonyms, prescreen pronunciation, prescreen translation, English dictionary definition of prescreen. tr.v. pre·screened , pre·screen·ing , pre·screens 1. To view before release for public showing. 2. To examine or intervi
The Louisiana Real Estate Commission (LREC) administers and enforces the provision of the Louisiana Real Estate License law which include the requirements for qualifying for and obtaining a real estate salesperson or broker license, or a certificate for certified real estate instructor. You must ...
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2. Pass the Exam The exams may seem intimidating, but after passing our accredited real estate school course quizzes and exams and purchasing our online exam prep, you will feel confident and prepared to pass each test. 3. Become a Real Estate Agent Don't be afraid to ask our instructors...
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