L215313ECNL300DIN P215822ECNL325DIN X216841ECNL350DIN T217873ECNL400DIN Q218905ECNL500DIN E228831ECNN10DIN F228832ECNN35DIN G228833ECNN40DIN H228834ECNN50DIN J228835ECNN60DIN K228836ECNN80DIN L228837ECNN90DIN M228838ECNN100DIN
A hydrophilic coating composition was prepared under the same conditions as in Example 1 except by adding polyoxyethylenesulfosuccini c acid monolauryl ester disodium salt (Kohakool L300, trade name of Toho Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.; number of moles of ethylene oxide aded =3 ) of the follo...