In our large teaching hospital, Pre-Operative Assessments (POA) for general surgery patients are completed in a single visit by a multidisciplinary team comprising trained nurses, anaesthetist and junior doctors. Medicines reconciliation and completion of thromboprophylaxis risk assessment (TRA) are ...
Knowing the Risk: A review of the peri-operative care of surgical patients. National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death, 2011. 2. Gibbs N, editor. Safety of Anaesthesia: A review of anaesthesia-related mortality reporting in Australia and...
The trial found melatonin was inferior to midazolam in terms of reducing anxiety, based on the primary outcome of pre-operative distress [15]. However, the acceptability of premedications related to factors other than efficacy at reducing pre-operative anxiety. Within these interviews, anaesthetists ...
It was agreed that we would recruit a large multi-centre cohort of patients undergoing primary THR willing and able to complete self-administered questionnaires recording demographic variables and pre-operative levels of pain, stiffness, mobility and quality of life (using standard, validated ...
Post-operative chemother- apy is also sometimes included in the CRT regimen (Minsky et al, 1993). Overall, results from these studies have been favourable, resulting in the widespread adoption of CRT regimens, mostly *Correspondence: Dr E Levine; E-mail: Received 14...
Following a breast cancer diagnosis, it is uncertain whether women’s breast density knowledge influences their willingness to undergo pre-operative imaging to detect additional cancer in their breasts. We evaluated women’s breast density knowledge and their willingness to delay treatment for pre-operat...
As with all service evaluations, blinding of assessments during hospital stay was impossible and may have introduced bias. Inclusion was terminated before the intended sample size aim was reached. However, as there were few differences between the groups in any of the secondary cognitive outcomes, ...
Getting Students Ready for Accounting Spreadsheets: Training for Basic Spreadsheet Skills with Pre/Post Assessments Suitable for students that can copy cells and develop simple formulas, the case offers pre- and post-assessment questions. The case provides scaffolding ... AF Borthick,GP Schneider - ...
However, HDP and gestational diabetes are the two key common pregnancy complications that will both affect weight gain in pregnancy and might result in increased length of hospital stay either because of the requirement for an operative delivery or because of persistent ill-health of the mother. ...
Ai fini del rilascio delle autorizzazioni alla pesca sportiva nelle zone B e C ai residenti nei comuni ricadenti nell'area marina protetta, l'Ente gestore rilascia un massimo di 120 autorizzazioni, contestualmente operative, per la pesca con palangari, traina e nattelli, di cui 80 ...