A comparison of successful and unsuccessful students in the medical school at the University of Minnesota Successful students make significantly higher pre-med course grades, Minn. Medical Aptitude Test scores, ACE scores, and lower scores on the L-scale of ... Hewer,Vivian H - 《Journal of Ap...
In general, the rule of thumb here dictates you should only include it if it’s higher than 3.5 or so. And since some med schools say60% of your timeshould be devoted to working on your GPA, then yeah, include it, since it’s surely above that threshold. Read more:How to List Edu...
Children and welfare reform: a view from an experimental welfare program in minnesota. Child Dev. 2002;73 (2):601–620. doi:10.1111/1467-8624.00426 35. Huston AC, Duncan GJ, Mcloyd VC, et al. Impacts on children of a policy to promote employment and reduce poverty for low-income ...
The Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR) software version 2020, developed by the Nutrition Coordinating Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, was used to collect and analyze the dietary intake data. Using NDSR, the nutrition composition was calculated using the mean of the three...
This study was given exemption status by Park Nicollet Health Services IRB and the University of Minnesota IRB. A total of 12 pharmacists, four inpatient and eight ambulatory, were trained to participate. Inpatient pharmacist documentation included both immediate resolution of MTPs and recommendations fo...
Introduction: The management of young athletes with asymptomatic preexcitation remains a challenge, regardless of the progress we have made in understanding the basis of condition and developing catheter ablation procedures. The risk of sudden death, however small, yet definite, being the first symptom...
though there is work in which what might be called cognitive skills production functions for students are estimated as functions of inputs such as teacher training, student–teacher ratios, availability of books and other attributes of schools (see Hanushek 1996, as well as more recent work such...
Māori and Pacific Island cultures are family-centred with strong ties to their island and tribal identities which are maintained through culturally-based community-centres and groups and for Māori, language based schooling including pre-schools, and for Pacific, churches. Moreover, Māori and Pacific...
While the hydrologic indices that are included in EflowStats were originally intended for defining a flow regime, the same statistics can be used to quantify the magnitude, duration, frequency, timing, and rate of change of sediment and nutrient loading. The resulting loading indices may also be...