Pre-med is a college track, a set of courses you agree to take as prerequisite courses for medical school. These pre-med courses don’t necessarily need to be a part of a student’s major. A student can study a completely unrelated major (e.g. Music or Spanish), but still take all...
Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 105 4 of 20 4 of 20 STIs and even reach different subgroups [33]. Researchers particularly called for more attention to male sex workers in big Vietnamese cities as they are often disengaged from the healthcare system, ainndHcaonnosie,qcuoennctlluydcionngtrtihba...
Butt and Smith [20,21] indicate that students in STEM courses not only preferred using the flipped-classroom methodology, but also a majority of students specified that the teaching instruments used in the flipped-classroom model were valuable as a learning tool [20,21]. In the same context,...
Methods The following mixture for a road pavement surface and base courses of two types was produced in a batchAMP with preheated RAP: with 25% and 50% of RAP, AC 16 PD and AC 22 PS, respectively. The grade of AC 16 DP according to the national standard TRA ASFALTAS 09 is asphalt...
brain sciences Article Comparing Different Filter-Parameter for Pre-Processing of Brain-Stimulation Evoked Motor Potentials Volker R. Zschorlich 1,2,3,* , Fengxue Qi 4 and Norbert Wolff 1 1 Department of Sport Science, University of Rostock, Ulmenstraße 69-House 2, 18057 Rostock, Germany;...