In New Zealand (NZ), we know little about the sleep patterns of adolescents from different ethnic groups (mainly NZ European, Māori, Pacific, and Asian), although it is likely that sleep health inequities exist based on work in younger Māori (indigenous people of NZ) and Pacific children,...
•1830s-thousandsofMaoriacceptedChristianity•MaorisawnoconflictbetweenacceptingChristianityandcontinuingtraditionalformdsofreligiousactivity•MostconversionfromMaorievangelistsratherthanmissionaries•FirstMaoriconversionswereslaves Acceptance •Mid-1830smostmissionariesspokeMaori•WilliamWilliamshadtranslatedwholeofNew...
Maori swidden practices involving long fallow periods mitigated against invasion by native species, and the transfer of Polynesian cultigens to temperate ecosystems helped eliminate tropical weeds. However, botanical, historical, and linguistic evidence suggests the inadvertent introd...
Part2 Missionaries •WeremoreimportantthanotherEuropeansin racerelations •NeededcooperationofMaoriasdidothers,but •UsuallyMissionariescametostay •TheysoughttochangeMaorilifeandsociety •Humanitarianandmissionaryorganisations influencedgovernemntpolicyinBritain •Attemptstoconvert‘heathens’werepartof overall...
2. Why does New Zealand have a wide diversity of 5、culture? 72of Europeans ,15 of Maori people ,11Asians and a little Pacific islanders form the residents of New Zealand, causing it a multi-cultural country.,culture,New Zealands culture is rich and diverse due to the mixing of ...
HowmuchdoyouknowaboutNewZealand?3 Q1u.IinzwhichcontinentisNewZealand?•A.Europe•B.Africa•C.Amercian•D.Oceania ⅰ 4 5 Quiz2.WhichisthenationalflagofNewZealand?A.B.C.Q D.6 Quiz 3.Whatlanguage(s)doNewZealandersspeak?A.EnglishB.EnglishandGermanC.EnglishandMaoriD.EnglishandSpanish 7 Qu...
2.the capital ofNew Zealandis Auckland 3.New Zealand is approximately the same size as theUK. 4.There are nearly 40 million sheep inNew Zealand. 5.There are more people living inNew Zealandthan in theUK. 6.About 10% of New Zealanders are Maori. 7.New Zealanders are often called “Kiw...
Edward Gibbon Wakefield, and committed to a Church of England settlement. It acquired land from the New Zealand Company and planned to sell its rural sections at the high price of £3 per acre, in order to attract the best sort of ...
1,276 new cases of prediabetes were identified in 2011, giving a 5.0% incidence rate. The relative risk (RR) for prediabetes was increased for the Maori and Pacific groups versus non-Maori/non-Pacific people, with RR of 1.97 in the younger age groups (<50 years) and RR of 1.42 in ...
Maoripeople E ThefirsthumanssettledinNewZealand F SealersandwhalersfromEuropecametoNewZealand G Forestsbegandisappearingandsomeanimalsandplantsbecameextinct H WarbetweentheMaoriandPakehaendedwiththelossofmuchMaoriland I Warsbeganbetweentribes 6 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1 Step5 Post reading Presentation groupsof...