(m) violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admission certificates Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.permitting them to take the examination; or (n) attempting to commit or, as the case ...
Non-English majors must take the high-stakes College English Test, which has two certificates, CETest 4 and CETest 6. The test was long considered a graduation requirement by the MoE, and many employers still require it today. Although the time allocated to CE has been shrinking as other ...
certificatesnecessarytoproveitscompliancewiththePre-requisites.ISRshallhave theright,atitssolediscretion,torequestfromanyoftheBidders,detailsand/or approvalsand/orrecommendationsand/orcertificatesand/oradditionaldocumentation, requiredtoallowISRafullandcompletereviewoftheaforementioned. ...
FACULTYThe faculty of Franklin Elementary School is highly qualified. The teachers are endorsed in ElementaryEducation with either A or AA certificates and with appropriate endorsement numbers. All faculty credentialsare on file and can be viewed by parents upon request.Franklin Upper Elementary ...
In order to qualify for the proposed Final Dividend, all transfers of shares accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with WHB's share registrars, Computershare, for registration not later than 4:30p.m. on 7 May 2014. OCBC has undertaken to WHB that, if the Offeror is...
External quality control certificates are published on the laboratory website (www. labmed.de). Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the reference population Of the 18 745 participants aged 2.0–10.9 years, serum concentrations of CRP were analysed from all 11 641 children who provided a blood ...
Cancer mortality was assessed based on death certificates with ICD-9-CM codes 140.x-208.x and 209.0-209.3, which include all most common types of solid and hematologic malignancies. The outcomes were also evaluated by cancer type, as defined according to the ICD-9-CM codes listed in ...
o proposal of the Sector for an intermediate solution facilitating the delivery of safety certificates to the RUs o self declaration by the ECM • For the RUs that are also WKs: learning the trade of Wagon Keeper ! o WP = WR o autonomous management of the wagon, including reloadings and...
If your stock is represented by one or more stock certificates registered in your name, you have a stockholder account with our transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust, which makes you a stockholder of record. If you hold your shares in a brokerage, trust or similar account, you ...
Study participants were selected from birth certificates collected by the National Center for Health Statistics' Vital Statistics System. Data from participants and their parents were collected in 5 waves at approximate child ages of 9 mo and 2, 4, 5, and 6 y. The 5-y interview was the ...