3分王雷阿伦 球场球童 1 我也是啊,当时安装完没有用过,现在发现一样的问题,有些联赛补丁还需要编辑器验证 4楼2024-10-05 14:33 回复 3分王雷阿伦 球场球童 1 搞定了,把这个编辑器的文件夹和游戏主文件夹并列放就可以进入了,见下图。 5楼2024-10-05 14:41 收起回复 扫...
Then I will release that save game, so then it would need someone else to do Group B save that, and post that file here so someone else could do Group C etc etc it wont take long if users step up. Expand I've done all squads. Euros 2024- All squads updated.fmU...
请问pre game..e宝那领了游戏发现有个一起送的pre game editor,请问跟要45块买的那个内置核武有什么不同吗
库里面,筛选一下 工具
Wanting to start game in 24/25 season read this below [NB There is no way of creating fixtures/result files for 24/25 season until the FM25 Pre-Game Editor comes out,and even then it may not be possible due to the unknown changes SI have made to the game/editor.] Option ...
You’ll be able to access both the pre-game editor and in-game editor when the full version of FM19 releases on November 2nd. The pre-game editor is included with every copy of the game and can be accessed through the tools section of Steam while the in-game editor will be available...
/apps/fmdita/config Salva il file. Esegui il commit delle modifiche ed esegui la pipeline Cloud Manager (CI/CD) per distribuire le modifiche di configurazione. Per aggiornare l'elenco delle parole personalizzate nel dizionario AEM, gli autori dovranno riavvia...
The reason is simply. Each club in Football Manager has a preferred formation linked to their profile, as well as a secondary preferred formation. This information is only visible in the FM Editor, but is linked to the most used formation in real life, either from a historical perspective or...
Hi! What's the difference in the pre-game editor from PA and maximum PA. Example...Fagioli, Juventus FC CA 129 Maximum CA ...