This consists in reviewing the history, getting the most information about the present and past medical condition of the pacient, running a guided fisical exam, a sistemic analisis of the pacient, after wich the pertinent exams should be asked and read, then the appropiate indications should ...
0a. 22.. TThhee ppaarrttiieess'' ssttiippuulalatitoionnsswwoouullddmmaakkee tthhisisccaassee an unsuuiittaabbllee vveehiiccllee ffoorr eexamiinniinnggtthheeisisssuueess rraaiisseed byy nettworrkk--bbaassedd rreccoorrddiing and plaayybbaacckk ssysstteems Petittiioonneerrssaarrgguueett...
energies Review The Impact of COVID-19 on the Energy Sector and the Role of AI: An Analytical Review on Pre- to Post-Pandemic Perspectives Siti Rosilah Arsad 1, Muhamad Haziq Hasnul Hadi 1, Nayli Aliah Mohd Afandi 1 , Pin Jern Ker 1,* , Shirley Gee Hoon Tang 2 , Madihah Mohd ...