Early identification is crucial to effectively intervene in individuals at high risk of developing pre-diabetes. This study aimed to create a personalized nomogram to determine the 5-year risk of pre-diabetes among Chinese adults. This retrospective coho
In the case of samples with RBD-ELISA-positive result, samples were pre-diluted to obtain values within the upper limit (1:640 dilution) of the assay and the final FRNT50 value was calculated by considering the pre-dilution factor. Cells were incubated for 24 h for ancestral (B.6) ...
The planned comparison between AVG and not-at-risk children showed that there was no difference in PD scores at T1 for 1000 bootstrap resamples (t-test(82) = 1.608, mean difference = 0.417, 95% CI = −0.077/0.908,p = 0.126). This result suggests that AVG improves ...
The result was amazing: it was 300 li long, running “along the foot of the northern mountains, carrying water of the Jing to fall into the Luo 洛河 river in the east… When it was finished, rich silt-bearing water was led through it to irrigate more than 40,000 qing 頃(667,000 ...
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We also confirmed that melatonin can ameliorate hypoxic-induced autophagy and cell death in mice GCs and KGN cells, and the same result was verified in fetal-hypoxia-treated mice, which may be a potential avenue for the clinical treatment of related reproductive disorders. Methods and materials ...
In our case series, prepectoral implant positioning with partial or total ADM coverage led to less impairment of upper limb function in terms of flexion, abduction, and internal and external rotation, and also reduce the need for rehabilitation. Furthermore, as a result of the less invasive pro...
Children’s time sensitivity is immature76, which may lead to the result that they are more prone to be motivated by reward immediacy1. Besides, the rewards were relatively small in this condition. This may be the reason why children view rewards in small amount and/or long delay condition ...
After reflecting on reflections, PST8 gained the enhanced understanding that “as a language teacher, I not only need to have good skills in teaching but also great interpersonal skills to maintain healthy communication with my colleagues.” The outcome of the incident led to a change in the ou...