'pre-cooked meals'指的是已经过初步烹饪处理的食品。以下是关于“pre-cooked meals”的详细解答: 一、直接回答与概述 'pre-cooked meals'即预煮餐食,指的是在生产过程中已经完成了大部分的烹饪工作,消费者在购买后只需简单加热或处理即可食用的食品。 二、详细展开 定义与特点 预...
根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填The topic of precooked meals(预制菜) has recently been widely discussed on the Internet. Many people are concerned about their impact on 1 (student) health.Some people 2 (believable) that precooked meals should not be served in schools. The 3(reason) are ...
First of all, precooked meals are often high___53___salt, sugar and fat and low in fresh fruits, vegetables. This can lead to___54___number of health problems being too fat and heart disease___55___(include). Also, pre-made meals may have chemicals and additives(添加剂)which do...
Additionally, pricing can be a barrier for some consumers, as pre-cooked meals can sometimes be more expensive than preparing meals from scratch. Negative perceptions around the nutritional value and potential lack of freshness compared to home-cooked meals also pose challenges....
Fully cooked beef:For hearty meals you can make in an instant, buy precooked frozen beef from John Soules Foods at your local grocery store. Our precooked beef entrees for sale range from Beef Fajitas to Beef Steak, so you can find an easy-to-cook, safe-to-handle entrée for any meal...
According to a new report from foodservice consultants Technomic, three out of five consumers (62%) who report purchasing more supermarket prepared meals than a year ago, are doing so at the expense of fast-food restaurants. The survey of more than 1,500 consumers found that family-style ...
Items like precooked meals are very profitable, so they are often clearly displayed to get the customer's attention. A. 熟菜之类的东西利润很高,所以通常会精心摆放,以吸引顾客的注意。 B. 熟菜之类的东西利润尚可,所以通常会摆放在显眼之处,以吸引顾客的眼球。 C. 熟菜之类的东西利润不高,所以通常不用...
At the beginning of the school year, the introduction of pre-cooked meals in school dining was a hot topic. Some parents expressed worries about the taste and safety of pre-made meals.Pre-cooked food is food that is prepared and cooked in advance so that it only needs to be heated quick...
ITEMSLIKEPRECOOKEDMEALSAREVERYPROFITABLESO 题目: Items like precooked meals are very profitable, so they are often clearly displayed to get the customer's attention. 免费查看参考答案及解析 12345678910下一页 共2000条数据 亲,您把题目复制到这里 搜一搜,就有答案。免费的哦...
Items like precooked meals are very profitable, so they are often clearly displayed to get the customers attention.A.熟菜之类的东西利润很高,所以通常会精心摆放,以吸引顾客的注意。B.熟菜之类的东西利润尚可,所以通常会摆放在显眼之处,以吸引顾客的眼球。C.熟