We discuss a simple cosmological model derived from M-theory. Three assumptions lead naturally to a pre-big bang scenario: (a) 11-dimensional supergravity describes the low-energy world; (b) non-gravitational fields live on a three-dimensional brane; and (c) asymptotically past triviality.关键...
pre-Big Bang cosmology. Then, the spinorial space-time would also be crucial for our understand- ing of the ultimate structure of matter beyond conventional quantum field theory. Contrary to the conventional mathematical structure of the Poincaré group, the spinorial space- ...
We show that in a generic case of the pre-big-bang scenario, inflation will solve cosmological problems only if the universe at the onset of inflation is extremely large and homogeneous from the very beginning. The size of a homogeneous part of the universe at the beginning of the stage of...
MAURIZIO GASPERINIString Theory in Curved Space Times, A Collaborative Research ReportRelic gravitons from the pre–Big Bang: what we know and what we don’t know, in New developments in string gravity and physics at the Planck energy - Gasperini - 1996...
New Era; strengthen consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; stay confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and ...
Quantum origin of pre-big bang collapse from Induced Matter theory of gravity We revisit a collapsing pre-big-bang model of the universe to study with\ndetail the non-perturbative quantum dynamics of the dispersal scalar field\nwhose dynamics becomes from the dynamical foliation of test massless ...
Are pre-big-bang models falsifiable by gravitational wave experiments? DOI: 10.1063/1.1291845 C. Ungarelli,A. Vecchio Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: One of the most interesting predictions of string-inspired cosmological models is the presence of a stochastic background of...
All we need is to assume string theory to be kind enough to lead to an F (H) satisfying two –4– expanding post-big bang dH 1.0 expanding pre-big bang 0.5 -1.0 -0.5 ϕ0.5 1.0 contracting post-big bang -0.5 -1.0 contracting pre-big bang -1.5 Figure 2. Parametric plot ...
the conclusion can be drawn that the universe originated from the big bang of the "super-micro black hole".Recently it is put forward that the expanding universe originated from the big bang of the "pre-universe",by which the theory of the big bang of the point is denied,and both the ...
Big Bang Theory Modern Family black-ish Some good reads: What Happened in 2017– Fred Wilson discusses changes in the business of technology: Crypto, The Beginning of the End of White Male Dominance, and The Tech Backlash. Kindness Scales– Seth Godin ...