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MacOS, Linux, UNIX, and many other operating systems. RINGO supports several pre-processing operations for GNSS data, such as clock jump correction, correction of higher order ionospheric refraction, and conversion of binary formats, such as Binary Exchange Format (BINEX) and ...
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The tracking timing of L2 signal was signifi- cantly delayed compared to that of the L1 signal before the receiver was changed on June 18, 2002 and improved after the receiver was changed to "AOA BENCHMARK ACT" from "ROGUE SNR-8100." Although the number of detected cycle slips based on...
“At the start of this year, Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) was still projected to grow by a total of about 5% in 2022–2023 (Chart 1). As a result of the war, confidence on Russian economy has collapsed. The economic sanctions imposed on Russia due to the war have isolated...
In this study, we isolated C D105+ cells from the pre-invasive front of human GBM tumors and demonstrate that these cells act as a subpopulation of GBM stem-like cells in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, we predicted their sensitivity to established chemotherapeu- tics, presenting ...
Microorganisms in water-soil environments are widely acknowledged for producing specialized compounds, namely secondary metabolites. These microorganisms act as carbon sink and sources, contributing to climate change dynamics [17,18]. Additionally, the decline in endemic microbial biodiversity in the soil ...
to catechin and proanthocyanidin flavanol pigments [25,26] in the testa (seed coat) of wheat is also associated with seed dormancy [1,22,27].Rgenes genetically control testa color in wheat and are mapped to the distal region of homeologous group 3 chromosomes [28].Rgenes act as ...
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