作为美军“联合战术电台系统”Joint Tactical Radio System(JTRS)项目中的手持式、便携小型设备Handheld,Manpack & Small Form Fit(HMS),泰利斯防务与安保公司Thales Defense & Security, Inc.设计出了AN/PRC-154单兵手持式电台AN/PRC-154 Rifleman Radio。泰利斯AN/PRC-154手持式单兵电台外形尺寸为:高193毫米、宽...
作为美军“联合战术电台系统”Joint Tactical Radio System(JTRS)项目中的关键组成部分,泰利斯防务与安保公司Thales Defense & Security, Inc.精心设计了AN/PRC-154单兵手持式电台。这款电台不仅外形尺寸紧凑——高193毫米、宽63.5毫米、厚40.6毫米,重量也仅为779克,非常便于携带。其工作频率覆盖特高频Ultra High ...
The Sidehat connected to charger may be used as part of the SWIPES™ unit or separately powered using the SWIPES™ Power Cable, AM/GF (EFB P/N 1-15500-00) The Sidehat connector provides 5V, up to 1A, of power for USB or other radio accessories. There are no LED indicators for ...