This book makes the case that the location of the K-129 was about 300 miles from Pearl Harbor and on board were an extra 11 men. Maybe the KGB put the 11 man team on the sub and took it over. The idea was to make it look like China had made the launch was the guilty party. ... 11255643 System for countering an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Wen Jun Edwin Ang, Yong Peng TAN, Juan Kiat Quek, Ce Yu POO, Yuen Hoong Benedict Woo, Cheng Hok AW, Advanced Material Engineering, 2022-02-22, - makes use of a special 40mm round - cites...
All the Sprites had "Ouija board" (Wiki) steering. By that I mean that you pretty much just thought about where you want the car to go and magically that's where it goes. The steering was very fast and light without any power assist because the car was light. I would rank the 1964...
i.e. from the electrical grid. The only way there's an lowering of CO2 emissions is if, after taking into account the efficiency of getting the electric power into the battery and the efficiency of converting the electricity into car motion, ...
11255643 System for countering an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Wen Jun Edwin Ang, Yong Peng TAN, Juan Kiat Quek, Ce Yu POO, Yuen Hoong Benedict Woo, Cheng Hok AW, Advanced Material Engineering, 2022-02-22, - Counter-UAVRifle GrenadesRifle Grenades (Wiki) are based on the idea of usin...