泰利斯公司的“毒蛇”(VIPER)车辆集成功率增强步兵无线电系统(AN/VRC-121 Vehicle Integrated Power Enhanced Rifleman Radio system),其核心就是AN/PRC-154手持式单兵电台。“毒蛇”(VIPER)车辆集成功率增强步兵无线电系统可以将AN/PRC-154手持式单兵电台的发射功率提升至20瓦,以获得更大的通讯范围。“毒蛇”...
作为美军“结合战术电台系统”Joint Tactical Radio System(JTRS)项目中的手持式、便携小型设备Handheld,Manpack & Small Form Fit(HMS),泰利斯防务与安保公司Thales Defense & Security, Inc.设计出了AN/PRC-154单兵手持式电台AN/PRC-154 Rifleman Radio。 泰利斯AN/PRC-154手持式单兵电台外形尺寸为:高193毫米、宽63.5...
BEIJING (AP) — China's government has fired five railway officials after last week's train crash that killed 72 people and injured hundreds of others, a state-run news agency reported Sunday. The officials made mistakes that "directly caused the disaster," the official Xinhua News Agency said...
Article 297 A passenger may not bring with him/her or pack in the luggage such dangerous articles as are inflammable, explosive, corrosive or radioactive as well as those that might endanger the safety of life and property on board the transportation vehicle or other contraband articles. Where...
Dysregulation of histone modifications promotes carcinogenesis by altering transcription. Breast cancers frequently overexpress the histone methyltransferase EZH2, the catalytic subunit of Polycomb Repressor Complex 2 (PRC2). However, the role of EZH2 in
This Law shall not be applicable to the prevention and control of marine environmental pollution by solid wastes or of environmental pollution by radioactive solid wastes. 固体废物污染海洋环境的防治和放射性固体废物污染环境 的防治不适用本法. Article 3 The state shall promote...
US3176171A *1961-03-14 1965-03-30 Suisse De Rech S Horlogeres La Electromagnetic oscillatory drive US3178644A *1961-06-19 1965-04-13 Automatic Radio Mfg Co Transistor vehicular radio receiver operable over a range of power supply voltages US3195065A *1963-06-26 1965-07-13 Statham Instrumen...
zBoost - has the signal booster (indoor reoeater) that Radio Shack sells for $300 to $1000 (but you might find one on sale). The installation for the zBoost starts with just the indoor amplifier box. When it's powered AND your cell phone has at least a bar or two of signal (to...
J9622A 3P HP MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n AP (WW) 466室内型双频802.11n AP,允许外置天线 J9716A 3P HP MSM466-R Dual Radio 802.11n AP (WW) 466-R室外型双频802.11n AP,允许外置天线 JG994A 3P HP 525 Wireless 802.11ac (WW) AP 525内置智能天线双频2*2 802.11ac/n AP(FIT),可选配外置天线 ...
当美军在伊拉克和阿富汗疆场上利用AN/PRC-148、AN/PRC-152、AN/PRC-127等型号单兵无线电的同时,“结合战术电台系统”Joint Tactical Radio System(JTRS)项目已经启动,其目标是为美军研制并装备在疆场上利用的下一代语音与数据传输无线电设备。泰利斯公司的AN/PRC-154单兵手持式电台及通用动力公司的AN/PRC-155单兵背负...