The radio set provides for operator selection of up to 14 independent preset channels in the 136-to 160-MHz band. A microprocessor and a nonvolatile programmable memory are used to provide the independent preset channels capability. The radio set is also equipped with CODE GUARD Tl circuitry tha...
AN/PRC-127 The radio set provides for operator selection of up to 14 independent preset channels in the 136-to 160-MHz band. A microprocessor and a nonvolatile programmable memory are used to provide the independent preset channels capability. The radio set is also equipped with CODE GUARD Tl...
A vehicle only installation of the PRC-77 is called a VRC-64. If the parts needed for a man-pack setup are included with a VRC-64 then it's called a GRC-160. The following manuals have a lot of info on theAM-2060&VIC-1plus related items, but not on the radio itself. TM 11-...
AN-PRC-1_用户拆解手册_用户操作说明书手册_TM11-638_1944.pdf,_.. , , --· ERRATA TM 11-638 WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL RADIO SET AN/PRC-1 ( CAUTION: 3 6.c. (8). BEFORE REMOVING OR INSERTING RECEIVER During this operation, at certain frequencies, betwee
网页 标志 功能描述Type-1multiband,multimissionradio 类似零件编号 - ANPRC-117F 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 Harris CorporationANPRC-150 204Kb/2PADVANCED HF/VHF TACTICAL RADIO SYSTEM ANPRC-152 1Mb/2PTYPE-1 MULTIBAND MULTIMISSION HANDHELD RADIO ...
The AN/PRC-126 is a short range, handheld tactical radio for use primarily at the squad/platoon level. AN/PRC-126 is a lightweight, militarized transceiver providing two-way, voice-communications. The radio covers the frequency range of 30-87.975 megahertz. Its nominal range for reliable commu...
The PRC-150 is a manpack, vehicular, and base station military radio. 机译:国际运营商基地的PRC-150无线电的有限生产,在较小程度上,美国部队。 Prime Contractor Harris授予合同从欧洲国家获得9000万美元。 系统可能会被更新的无线电替换,例如预测期间的PRC-160。 PRC-150是手套,车辆和基站军车。 著录项...
AN-PRC-117G_Harris_用户操作说明书手册_2014.pdf,PUBLICATION NUMBER: 10515-0319-4100 MARCH 2014 Rev. K AN/PRC-117G MULTIBAND MANPACK RADIO FIELD REFERENCE GUIDE This information/part is controlled by the U.S. Department of State International Traffic In Ar
1-6 PURPOSE AND USE OF RADIO SET AN/PRC-127 The radio set is a hand-held, 14-channel receiver/transmitter that provides two-way radio communications in the 136 to 160 MHz frequency range. DC power is provided by a detachable battery pack. The radio set consists of an R/T, an antenna...
南通市卡纳佳尔机械科技有限公司,Hengesbach产品型号举例:Hengesbach压力表:KC 63/100/160,PC100/160,DIR 100/160, RC 63/100/160;Hengesbach温度计:NG 63/80/100/160,TFB-TFC 100/160;Hengesbach电阻温度计: TP 51,TP 11,TP 30,TP 26,TP 60,TP 62,TP 13,TP 15,TP 16,TP 17,TP 21,TP 18,TP...