Eje de tracción trasera único RS-160™/RS-180™ Nos dedicamos a soluciones de eje trasero que mejoran la movilidad para dar a nuestros clientes la vanguardia. Nuestra amplia gama de ofertas incluye ejes hipoides de reducción simple y hélice-hipoide de doble reducción. Ver detalles...
Eje de tracción trasera único RS-160™/RS-180™ Nos dedicamos a soluciones de eje trasero que mejoran la movilidad para dar a nuestros clientes la vanguardia. Nuestra amplia gama de ofertas incluye ejes hipoides de reducción simple y hélice-hipoide de doble reducción. Ver detalles...
The radio set provides for operator selection of up to 14 independent preset channels in the 136-to 160-MHz band. A microprocessor and a nonvolatile programmable memory are used to provide the independent preset channels capability. The radio set is also equipped with CODE GUARD Tl circuitry tha...
AN/PRC-127 The radio set provides for operator selection of up to 14 independent preset channels in the 136-to 160-MHz band. A microprocessor and a nonvolatile programmable memory are used to provide the independent preset channels capability. The radio set is also equipped with CODE GUARD Tl...
TheAN/PRC-117GcantransmitManualKeying(MK)OTARsby uploadingaTEKtotemporarymemorypriortotransmittingthe OTAR.TheradiocannotbeturnedoffortheTEKwillbelost.Ifthe radiowillbeusedfortransmittingkeyingdata(TXOTAR),perform thefollowingprocedure. a.Movethecipherswitchto[LD]andselectLOADOTAR TEKtoloadOTARinformationfrom...
AN-PRC-1_用户拆解手册_用户操作说明书手册_TM11-638_1944.pdf,_.. , , --· ERRATA TM 11-638 WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL RADIO SET AN/PRC-1 ( CAUTION: 3 6.c. (8). BEFORE REMOVING OR INSERTING RECEIVER During this operation, at certain frequencies, betwee
A vehicle only installation of the PRC-77 is called a VRC-64. If the parts needed for a man-pack setup are included with a VRC-64 then it's called a GRC-160. The following manuals have a lot of info on theAM-2060&VIC-1plus related items, but not on the radio itself. ...
TSEC/KYV-2A Secure Voice Module SVM 5810-01-160-4999 PCG-68 - Programmable Code Generator CSD-68 fill gun (Code Source Device?) AN/GRM-114A Test Set This is an IFR Communications Service Monitor Model 1000S and appears to have no PRC-xxx customization TM 11-6625-3016-14 (051046...
HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This is aquick reference manual that has beenritten just for you. Become fami l iar with itsontents so that you wi l l be able to find what youeed quickly.his manual wi l l show you how to: OPERATE MAINTAINOUR RADIO SET AN/PRC-127t is smal l enough to...