SENT RECEIVED DESCRIPTION 04Aug10 Review request to referee; response not yet received 02A...
gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2360015&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract.Kommoss S,du Bois A,Ridder R.Independent prognostic significance of cell cycle regulator proteins pl 6(INK4a) and pRb in advanced-stage ovarian carcinoma including optimally debulked patients: a translational research subprotocol ...
Extract the list of URLs obtained during a HTML page render in Java I want to be able to get the list of all URLs that a browser will do a GET request for when we try to open a page. For example, if we try to open, there are multiple URLs within the first HTTP... ...
Extract the list of URLs obtained during a HTML page render in Java I want to be able to get the list of all URLs that a browser will do a GET request for when we try to open a page. For example, if we try to open, there are multiple URLs within the first HTTP... ...
If the surrounding native material is more conductive than the clogged Fe-media, groundwater bypass may render the PRB ineffective for treating contaminated groundwater. 展开 关键词: permeable reactive barrier zero-valent iron mineral precipitation heterogeneity development long-term performance preferential...
SENT RECEIVED DESCRIPTION 04Aug10 Review request to referee; response not yet received 02A...
For susceptible cells, neutralizing the tumorigenic effects of pRb loss could logically be achieved by correcting the deregulated activities of pRb targets to render pRb-deficient cells less abnormal. This line of research has unexpectedly revealed that knocking out the pRb target Skp2 did not render...
高压差分探头是一种用于电力电气工程、电子通信技术、航空航天科技的测量仪器,采用专用电源模块使高压探头具有更高的稳定性和较低的噪声,高精度的高压探头内部元件采用极低的温度系数和电压系数,可提供很高的测试精度,所有有源高压差分探头的输出阻抗为50,可用于所有示波器和电压表。 &nb... 查看原文 05 基础知识点...
貌似又找了一个审稿人。可能审稿人不愿意审,或者人家放假去了,不工作,所以不审稿了 ...