[apdblndo0tm1b:a] amix=2:duration=shortest:dropout_transition=0, volume=2 [o0tn1:a]; [tmo0tn01a:v] [o0tn1:v] concat=2:v=1:a=0 [o0o:v]; [tmo0tn01a:a] [o0tn1:a] concat=2:v=0:a=1 [o0o:a]; [1:a] anull [ldo0l0:a]; [ldo0l0:a] volume='0.8':eval=frame [...
The nucleoplasmic interactions among Lamin A/C-pRB-LAP2α-E2F1 are modulated by dexamethasone Anastasia Ricci, Sara Orazi, Federica Biancucci, Mauro Magnani & Michele Menotta Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 10099 (2021) Cite this article 2218 Accesses 4 Altmetric Metrics details Ab...
In heavy-ion measurements, centrality classes represent the percentiles of the total inelastic non-Coulombic cross- section excluding diffractive contributions [50], and reflect the overlap volume of the two colliding nuclei. In the ATLAS experiment, the centrality of Pb + Pb events is defined ...