I heard “Be in” Be in my presence and love. Be in the presence of the Holy Spirit and see the ways it wants to move and is moving. Then I saw how it all starts with being. After I am in the presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit I can then be myself, I will know how an...
The old priest, John’s father, did not believe the angel who showed up when Zechariah entered the Holy of Holies to burn the incense. The lot had fallen to him to step into the place so sacred that one might easily be consumed by the Furnace of Love. Gabriel’s wings fanned the sm...
but we sing this verse when we sing the song “He is Lord.” Isaiah 45 is a prophecy about the rule and reign of Christ. It is about how He alone will deliver Israel, and bring all her enemies to destruction. It is a lesson to the world in how He alone ...
There are two essentials to effective prayer. The first is that we must have a God-given BURDEN. Prayer is like a circle that begins and ends in God. The first half of that circle is God giving us a burden in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. The second half of the circle is ...
13 If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts [i]that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and [j]continue to ask Him! 14 Now Jesus was driving out a demon that was dumb;...
Holy Spirit will help you do this if you’ll ask Him to help you pray before you start praying. And once you get into it, you’ll see that these names of God are an absolute gold mine of revelation about God. Getting to know the Lord in all His names will show you His beauty mo...
“The people of God have a long history of reaching for technical change to remedy their difficulties, instead of the adaptive change God is calling out from their hearts and minds. For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietnes...
“unlocked His word to me” was in the middle of the night at a moment of desperation. I had no one to talk to, nowhere to run, no place to go, so I hit my knees and opened my Bible. “Lord, if You’re truly there I need You to speak to me now and tell me what to do...
We both. The two parties directly referred to in this letter were Israel and others. Christ made the two groups one. He made one new humanity out of the two. Both now have access to the Father, through the Spirit. There are no divisions in the renewed humanity. Jew and Gentile, men ...
12Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?13If you then, who are evil,know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Fathergive[m]the Holy Spiritto those who ask Him?” Read full chapter...