It takes God’s wisdom and understanding, even to know the prayers to pray at any moment. He’s the omnipotent and omniscient God. The only true living God. So, you need to ask for his understanding and wisdom during a period of fasting and prayer. You could say Dear Father, All prai...
Father, today I pray that my husband will grow in his love for You. May he love You with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind, and all his might. I pray that he will make You the center of his life. Help him to submit his mind, emotions, desires, and dreams to You. ...
Praying in the name of Jes 耶稣,您阁下是在十字架迫害的人,第三天复活,除我之外从死亡,并且罪孽的力量,我承认我是罪人 (我们的生活包括罪孽您的想法在罪孽),我希望接受您,我的救主,谢谢体谅我罪孽,接管我的生活。 祈祷以耶稣的名义,阿门。 [translate] ...
That is why Jesus taught us to pray:“Our Father in the heavens, let . . . your kingdom come. I pogi dii do minonuduk i Yesus dati do sumambayang:“Oi Tapa dahai hilo’d surga, . . . jw2019 Pray that God’s will be done in heaven and on earth. Sumambayang toko’ do...
Father, today I pray that my wife will grow in her love for You. May she love You with all her heart, all her soul, all her mind, and all her might. I pray that she will make You the center of her life. Help her to submit her mind, emotions, desires and dreams to You. I ...
Father, I'm praying for (name one or more) and others in my circle of family or friends to know the importance of humbling themselves. May they choose to humble themselves
I missed all the signals high off the adrenaline Getting into things I still regret Can't go any further with my own two feet Almost forgotten what you've done for me Heavenly father shine your light through me Teach me to love all of my enemies ...
and love. The world –sucked into the whirlpool of greed, violence, and suffering –will not enter the Kingdom of God through our anger, retaliation, and swords, but through our bliss, the utter delight and lab-lucious joy of being children of the Father of Goodness and the Mother of Me...
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. . Apostles Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. ...
We are thankful for anyone who prays for us. Prayer is what Jesus commands us to do to help us achieve God’s will on Earth. If it was unnecessary Jesus would not have spent so many hours praying to his Heavenly Father when on earth. Paul instructs us to pray without ceasing. We sh...