The One Year Praying Through the BibleJust as the popular One Year Bible reinforces your habit of daily Bible reading, this new companion volume helps you focus your prayer life. Based on key verses from each day's reading in The One Year Bible, each devotion in ...Cheri Fuller...
Stormie Omartian's books have sold millions of copies and helped people around the world access the power of prayer. In this compilation of 200 heartfelt and powerful prayers, taken directly from Stormie's life-changing devotional, "The Power of Praying Through the Bible, "readers will discover...
Waking up and becoming more and more conscious, aware, and alert are fundamental tasks of being a disciple and growing in faith and spiritual maturity. Some of us sleepyheads will resist such bold, open-eyed, clear seeing, tooth and nail. The call to consciousness rings throughout the scrip...
“The man or the woman who becomes a medium or a familiar spirit will surely die; they will cast stones at them; their blood will be on themselves” (Lev. 20:27). “Let there not be found among you one who makes his son or his daughter pass through fire, a diviner of divinations...
6The priests stood at their posts, and the Levites also, with instruments of music to the Lord, which King David had made to praiseandgive thanks to the Lord—for His mercyandloving-kindness endure forever—whenever David praised through their ministry; the priests blew trumpets before them,...
Waiting, waiting – how did she keep the promise alive, the hope, the word which was spoken to her, through all the days and nights while she walked the rocky paths? What good could come out of Nazareth? How can this be? I have no husband. I have no money. I have no hope. I ...
and everything in them. You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David: “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed one (Acts 4:24-26...
the other. This contextual reading of the Psalms puts a new challenge in front of us; that is, how to offer the Bible in people’s own language. Perhaps this is the core of the Protestant reformation, that through translation normal Christians can connect with the sacred text. These ...
Dr. Whitney:Use them to pray through the Bible! Bio:Donald S. Whitney (PhD, DMin) is professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He’s written several books related to Christian spirituality, includingSpiritual Discipline...
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