网络用神的话语祷告 网络释义 1. 用神的话语祷告 用神的话语祷告(Praying the word of God) 注册新用户 网站订购流程 会员制度 海外代购 教会代购 Overseas Purchase 退换货政...|基于4个网页
The meaning of PRAY is entreat, implore —often used as a function word in introducing a question, request, or plea. How to use pray in a sentence.
THIS book, well known in its French original, deals with the geological evolution of animals. It contains discussions on the phenomena of variation, extinction and migration, and is sufficiently modern to include a brief notice of the discoveries of early ...
Doing so often requires one to kneel in front of or bend over the toilet (the "porcelain god"), a position that is likened to kneeling before or bowing to a sacred idol. If Tommy doesn't stop drinking, he'll be praying to the porcelain god all night. I don't think I've ever ...
According to Matthew, Jesus addressed the importance of clarity in messaging “the word” of God.And even Paul, a seasoned veteran evangelist, requested prayer for clarity in his presentations of the gospel.Clarity in 1content and clarity in 2presentation—these are the reasons we spend several ...
Posted by Desiree Bustamante Jan 28, 2025 PWTE Daily Devotion Be still, God's Word, Hearing God, listen to God, Noise, prayer, problems, quiet time, quietness, true peace, untroubled Leave a Comment by Desiree Bustamante Don’t let life’s noise drown out God’s precious voice. You ...
19Do not hold back the work of the Holy Spirit. 帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:17–19 — American Standard Version (ASV) 17pray without ceasing;18in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus to you-ward.19Quench not the Spirit; ...
This course explores how to do this. It covers: why and what we need to pray if God already knows what is needed what 'praying in the spirit' is and how to do this how to move into position to pray with God how to pray in unity ...
To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong. Joseph Pearce Of course, I got a new pup. Meet Dabar, aka Dabby, named, perhaps unwisely by his mistress. Dabar is Hebrew for the Word of the God – the sacred creative energy which brings form and order out of chaos...
Now certainly the Lord of heaven and earth could just give Saul back his sight—zap—but he chose to use Ananias’ prayers. I think this is so encouraging. It gives us such a remarkable role in what God is doing in the world.