The original, prescientific Western belief that the mantis is a pious, helpful creature became a widely held explanation for the mantid's unique resting (apparently prayerful) posture, and for one of its cryptic displays (extending the forelegs straight out). This belief was a characteristic part...
This printable activity set is excellent for children of any ages. Kids of all ages will enjoy learning about the life cycle of praying mantis specifically. We have also included math and literacy activities with a praying mantis theme that may be more suitable for children in preschool or kind...
These three are from another box of four x 500 puzzles. The theme is seasons, specifically holidays within them. May Day, Harvest and Bonfire Night. I couldn’t bring myself to do the Christmas one! This is my favourite one of late. A 500 piece puzzle that took almost as long as the...
I’m specifically picking on us Christians because, even though we know the mercy of God in Christ, we still live in a messy, sin-filled, world. As Paul reminds us, “all have fallen short,” including those who follow Christ.