Old Testament theologyHebrew Philosophy ReligionNo abstract availableMark J. BodaUniversity of CambridgeBoda, Mark J. Praying the Tradition: The Origin and Use of Tradition in Nehemiah 9. BZAW 277. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1999.Boda, Mark J. "Praying the Tradition: The Origin and Use of ...
Additional confirmation of both ruling theories was garnered in experiments done in the mid-twentieth century. These experiments were based on the assumption that the original conceptualizations were correct, and consequently they did not test other hypotheses. The combined strength of the two theories ...
The event was prefigured in the Old Testament when the prophet Elijah was taken up body and soul into heaven (2 Kings 2:1-12). The Coronation of the Virgin, 1358: Paolo and Giovanni Veneziano (Paolo 1321?-1362), The Frick Collection, New York Christ wears a bejeweled crown and ...
Praise and lament in the Psalms Praise and lament are two major approaches to praying to God. In this book, Claus Westermann investigates these primary categories of the Psalms and shows their meaning for prayer and worship. He contrasts the Old Testament Psalms with t... C Westermann - J....
If you think you are coming in here, wash up first. Repent! Go under the flood. Die before you die. The old priest, John’s father, did not believe the angel who showed up when Zechariah entered the Holy of Holies to burn the incense. The lot had fallen to him to step into the...
Which explains why the topic of tithes is so emotive and contentious within these organizations. For starters, in spite of tithes having been required in the Old Testament (Jewish) times - as there were priests, and other offerings and sacrifices still a necessity - this all ceased with the ...
This mirrors the Old Testament attitude. Soon after they received the commandment prohibiting the making of images for worship, the Israelites were told by the Lord to “make two cherubim of beaten gold; you will make them for the two ends of the covering [of the Ark of the Covenant]” ...
And the Old Testament also includes several instances of someone being asked, “What do you want?” And seeing this, I come before you Lord. I come to sit with you, to speak to you, to listen to you, to enjoy your presence here with me. And, Lindsey, it seems that I am to pra...
The "flight" of angels is implied in Isaiah 6:2, and should not be regarded as an idea foreign to the Old Testament. Touched me.--Literally, reached me. (Comp. this use of the word, Jonah 3:6.) The time of the evening sacrifice Isaiah 3 P.M., being the hour of evening prayer...
In the Old Testament, anointing with oil is used to set apart or ordain leaders, priests, and holy things.89 In a most striking passage, Samuel anoints David to be king instead of Saul:"So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that ...