“I beg you to keep me in this silence so that I may learn from it the word of your peace and the word of your gentleness to the world. And that through me perhaps your word of peace may make itself heard where it has not been possible for anyone to hear it for a long time. ...
The sick person (or his father) needs to be open to healing, but the main expectation for faith is upon the One or ones doing the praying, and so it is in James.In James, the sick person is to "call for the elders of the church," but it is the elders who are responsible to ...
So Gabriel tied his tongue to the floor of his mouth and sewed his lips shut. This fellow could not be trusted with the truth of God. Hard to say how he might mess up the whole plan of salvation. Messengers from God often do this to the people they visit. They press the mute butto...
In today’s prayer we ask Almighty God to grant that we may show forth in our lives what we profess by our faith. Pause for a moment and consider the full meaning of that prayer, especially in light of our new, martyred, brother from Chad. ...
“The people of God have a long history of reaching for technical change to remedy their difficulties, instead of the adaptive change God is calling out from their hearts and minds. For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietnes...