“How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years,” said Zechariah, scratching his head. His barren, wizened, Elizabeth have a child? The priest quibbled, doubted, split hairs, as those trained as religious professionals often do. So Gabriel tied his ton...
I fear that we are losing our capacity for reverence and wonder. From a perusal of headlines and social media it appears that the great American pastime is one of taking offense, being outraged over one thing or another, fighting over who deserves to be the one most offended, or should be...
anesthesiologists, surgeons. If you’ve ever had a child go through a medical procedure, you know how hard it is to put on a brave face for your kid while a woman in scrubs wheels your child away from you, through the operating-room doors. ...
In the timeless land of a child’s summer, I headed out each day, banging my feet against uneven sidewalk, where tree roots heaved and broke concrete into toe traps for children and the elderly. I caught my toes on furniture, had them run over with tricycles, wheel barrows and stomped ...