First, a caveat. Because Pam and I don’t have children, I’malwayshesitant to write about parenting. When I do, it’s because I have a genuine burden as a pastor/shepherd for the people of God. If I’m off-base with these thoughts, please forgive me—but I trust these words...
You know how grandfathers are - always lenient with their grandchildren, ignoring whatever evil they do. Many Christians think that God is like that, not taking their sins seriously. That idea is totally wrong. God is a Father. But He is also God. He is the One before whom the seraphs...
If you’ve followed my blog for any time you know that I’m a terrible reviewer. I either like something and continue to read/watch it, or I dislike it and close the cover/leave the theatre. I don’t offer my opinion on the bad ones; they’ve already taken enough of my time and...
Few moments as a hospice social worker have unsettled me more than the night I made an on-call visit with Cliff after his wife Reba died. With many family members in the home, I was there to provide a listening ear, assess for concerns, and respond to questions such as how to tell t...
Illinois. We laughed, exchanged gifts, watched the grandkids’ delight as they explored their new acquisitions, and ate way too much. Our daughter’s in-laws came today, and we really enjoyed our visit with them over lunch. I am so happy knowing that our grandchildren are loved so much ...
God, that shimmering silence and peace which rises up in their hearts, but they will call it something else. Day dreaming, sitting on the deck, holding their grandchildren, looking at a sunset… We all have moments where words fail, time stops, and a moment brims over with beauty and ...
We both. The two parties directly referred to in this letter were Israel and others. Christ made the two groups one. He made one new humanity out of the two. Both now have access to the Father, through the Spirit. There are no divisions in the renewed humanity. Jew and Gentile, men ...
Tomorrow, though, life takes a turn for the better because my Illinois grandkids are finally going to be here! It’s a good thing I got my sleep in earlier today, because I’m pretty sure I’m going to be too excited to sleep tonight, kind of like these kids in this old Disney ...
of marriage to Studly Doright. He’s funny. I’m funny. We’re comfortable financially. We enjoy doing things together, but we also give each other enough space to pursue our separate interests. We’ve raised two incredible kids and have five awesome grandchildren. A perfect couple, right?
Of course, Friday will be my daughter’s thirty-somethingth birthday. I’ll let her choose dinner on Friday, but Saturday is pizza for sure. Am I excited? Duh!!! And the best part? Getting to see my family! I’m packed and ready. Let the party begin. ...