where tree roots heaved and broke concrete into toe traps for children and the elderly. I caught my toes on furniture, had them run over with tricycles, wheel barrows and stomped on by my brother. (He will deny this.) My feet were acquainted with the occasional ...
“I beg you to keep me in this silence so that I may learn from it the word of your peace and the word of your gentleness to the world. And that through me perhaps your word of peace may make itself heard where it has not been possible for anyone to hear it for a long time. ...
As inquisitive as we were about her neighborhood, I knew in my heart, this was where God had called my mother to live. Seeing the elegantly dressed, middle-class woman in an impoverished area may have seemed odd to some people. Thankfully for me, as her daughter, I could see that this...
“I got this” come from the death defeating spirt. The warm relief that flows from that is the unconditional love God has for His children. I trust you Father with every beautiful day and every very difficult day, knowing my life is forever in your hands as I pursue the plan you ...
“Do you think I will ever see Amos again?” Ahs asked Captain Midnight. There had been altogether too many deaths and departures in the household for Ahs’ taste. Captain’s sister, beautiful Isabella Hepzibah died barely two years before of a virus. The girl who fed Ahs left last fall...
I wrote this piece many years ago, when my first daughter was around a year and a half old. Some of you may recall it. Lines from this piece began coming back to me this fall. I think it is a lullaby worth hearing again. May you find comfort here and deep assurance in the steadfa...
exchanging your lives for a thing more fair Daughter of Promise, Son of Despair rock in the porch swing, singing your prayer. Daughter of Promise, Son of Despair run through the dark streets meeting death’s dare. “I see an opening in the heavens,” Stephen cried, ...