Listen to The Mother Church’s Wednesday testimony meeting readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. January 29, 2025 Volume 90% © Thomas Barwick/Digital Vision/Getty Images. Models for illustrative purpose. Listen to more Find inspiration ...
come; thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. 在“福音时代”漫长的世纪更替中,教 会如同她的主所教导她的那样祷告, “愿你 的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行 在天上。 thestudiesinthescriptures.comHis...
The scriptures contain numerous images of God as feminine. The Hebrew word for Holy Spirit in Genesis is a feminine noun. My Hebrew teacher liked to translate Genesis 1: 1 in this way: In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was without form and void, an...
The events in today’s Scriptures stand in sharp contrast to what is usually preached about Jesus. An angry Jesus? Well, we’d just rather talk about how much he loves us. Anger is so, so–negative. (wring hands for effect).
Along with the prayer theme is the opportunity to serve the Springfield community through a variety of hands on mission projects. We hope that each of you will take some time and get your fingernails dirty serving in some capacity. You will see that there are projects available for every ...
Most every epiphany or showing of God in scriptures is met with fear. When the angel Gabriel comes to Mary saying, “Rejoice, O highly favored one. The Lord is with you,” Mary does not break out in ecstatic bliss. Instead she is greatly troubled at the saying. As Luke tells it, she...
We pray liturgically, priestly prayer, whenever we gather to celebrate the scriptures, the Eucharist, or any sacrament. As well we pray in this way when, in community or privately, we pray what is called the Liturgy of the Hours or the Divine Office (Lauds and Vespers). We are asked to...
Looking for more resources to support your prayers for yourself and your community? Consider signing up for a free weekly newsletter. You’ll find prayerful responses to global issues and learn how to practically apply spiritual ideas in your life. Sign up Heavenly Hymns Hymns have a unique ...
Time and again, people just don’t know what they have in Christ. They don’t take the time to pray to God and look to the scriptures. They have a wrong perception of who God is, and it is hurting them more than they know. ...
Love in Small Doses for the Sin Sick Soul – Part II This lent I will be continuing and adding to a series,Love in Small Doses,which I first posted in 2013. These are short poetic takes on the themes and scriptures of lent. Each post will invite you to savor, slow down, or be ...