And thank you for the scriptures that you gave me to use for this prayer … scriptures that ask, ‘What do you see?” Several times God asked Jeremiah this question: Later the Lord asked me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” I answered, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” (...
I pray for virgins who are not afraid of greatness, neither the greatness of themselves, nor the greatness of God. And I pray for a virgin with a heart which dilates. A bold virgin, who when she has grown as big as she can be, when she has come to the outer reaches of the limit...
Some of the special projects that come up from time to time: we helped put in several water wells, solar panels at the church and the ministry house. We have participated in helping provide transportation for the school, and also have helped with outreach to women and to the churches in ...
Scripture Prayer Card Set– print and use all over your house! 12 Daily Prayers to Pray for your Children– An easy to use Bookmark; just print and use in your quiet time 31 Scriptures to pray for your family– a printable calendar from Mercy is New 31 Ways to pray for your child– ...
Example of Praying the Scriptures As a specific example, let’s look at using Psalm 5:1-7 as we pray. Psalm 5:1-7 Listen to my words, Lord, consider my lament. Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the...
Two disarming black labs, my Elijah and Jean Luc Picard, who arrived with some house guests, have been teaching me about bliss. The dogs met for the first time a week ago with the hearty delight of Adam, when God introduced to him the woman he had made of Adam’s rib. ...
What if you can’t move? Jesus said that his place would be a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13). I wonder how he feels about the prayerroomsthat we have, fill with knee pads, prayer cards, framed Scriptures, and a stack of new and unused Bibles. ...
and power found in the Scriptures and gives the reader strength and encouragement to live each day for God. This compact volume is the perfect size to carry along in a purse or briefcase or to keep at a bedside to read at the beginning or end of each day. A wonderful gift for any be...
You will see that there are projects available for every skill level. This year there will be an opportunity to participate in the building of a Habitat for Humanity house in the grassy area between the Expo Center and the parking garage. We will have teams working on this house all ...
SCRIPTURES:Matt 21:18-22,Mark 11:12-21 PRAYER FOCUS: Bearing Fruit It’s Tuesday morning of Holy Week. In the Eastern Orthodox Church this day is referred to as “Great and Holy Tuesday.” Yesterday, on the way to the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus cursed a fig tree for being full of ...