No matter how bad I felt, I had to bury all the overwhelming emotions from being fired. I had to rush down to the hospital. “I have to be there for dad.” Hours later, after his condition stabilized, I entered the ward and sat beside my father’s bed. As I looked at his face,...
I have gotten away from the Catholic Church and even been angry at God for the illnesses and bad luck my family and I have gone and are going through. But the thing is, I need God. I need to be reminded that every one suffers from something, we are not the most only ones. I ...
Prahläda said, “I am not proud of being able to offer prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I simply take shelter of the mercy of the Lord, for without devotion one cannot appease Him. One cannot please the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by dint of high parentage or g...
The Jibo Mizuko Kannon 慈母水子観音 takes the place of the parents and provides for the mizuko in the other world with a heart of compassionate love; the role of the Shō Mizuko Kannon 聖水子観音 is to remove the evil spirit that has attached itself to the mizuko and provide protection;...