Lord Jesus, thank you that you love [name of the person who needs healing]. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. I ask that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness. Your word says inPsalm 107:19-20that...
Precious Lord Jesus, you came into the world to heal our infirmities and endure our sufferings. You went about healing all who were sick and bringing comfort to those in pain. By a simple command you rebuked Peter’s mother-in-law’s fever. You spoke directly to the illness, condemned i...
Precious Lord Jesus, you came into the world to heal our infirmities and endure our sufferings. You went about healing all who were sick and bringing comfort to those in pain. By a simple command you rebuked Peter’s mother-in-law’s fever. You spoke directly to the illness, condemned i...
Prayers for the sick are a great way to ask God for His healing and to give you, or your loved ones, comfort and strength to deal with afflictions. Are you undergoing an illness of some sort? Or do you know someone who is? As we all know, while our Lord in His Passion opened ...
there be a great harvest from among them, men and women who will call upon the name of the Lord to deliver them from mental oppression. May there be only one focus, to lift up the name of Christ to proclaim the gospel, to set the captives free and to heal the brokenhearted. Thank ...
I had to learn how to let go of all the anger I held onto. That is where Jesus had to help. I had a lot of “private rooms” in my mind where I wouldn’t let anyone in. It’s hard to heal if you just sit in the darkness. I started seeking out how to forgive my enemies....
Making the miracle to heal Marcia for her to be able to continue living with the purpose of the advantage of all the talent and solidarity and respect for all that she can achieve for humanity and specially children that need her expertise in improving the illness of Autism. Pray for spiritu...
Blessed are You, the One who strengthens our hands in creating a society in which everyone has the right to live a life of respect and love. Ana El Refa Na Lanu; Please, God, heal us. In our interview she explained her decisions, emphasizing the gender impact in the textual representatio...
We earnestly pray for peace as we celebrate Jesus' birth. Help every person in the world realize that they are special to you and that there is no need to harm others. We add a special prayer for those fighting depression and mental illness. Lord, please comfort and heal them. ...
Grieving someone whose personality, whose life, whose circumstances, whose relationship with you has been altered by mental illness There are so many of us wading through ambiguous grief in our lives. → old adage of not judging someone until you walk a mile in their shoes The book of Job ...