Prayer to Our Guardian Angel Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Morning Offering O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and su...
Angels Prayers:Aspiration|St. Gertrude's Guardian Angel Prayer|Angel Guardian|Guardian Angel|Help Against Spiritual Enemies|Holy Guardian Angels|Our Lady, Queen of Angels|To the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony|Prayer of the Church Concerning St. Gabriel|St. Gabriel, for Inte...
Saying a night prayer at bedtime is a wonderful way to let go of stress and find peace before sleep. No matter what you faced today, talking to God at bedtime will calm your soul and mind. Use our favorite good night prayers this evening.
Prayers To St. Joseph+ Prayers to Angels+ Prayers to Saints+ Prayers to the Holy Trinity Trinity: Glory to you! My hope is the Father. My refuge is the Son. My protection is the Holy Spirit. Blessed Trinity, glory to You. I am loved by God the Father, Who created me out of...
In virtue of my baptism and confirmation I break all chains and bonds which bind me and pray to Almighty God by the intercession of the Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin Mary, St. Michael the Archangel, my guardian angel (include other angels/saints to which one is devoted, and/or the ...
Forgiveness Novena - In our fallen world, there are many reasons why we might need to forgive. When sin entered the world, the opportunity to hurt one another and to be harmed by others entered as well. Guardian Angel Novena - They watch over us, aid us in prayer, enlighten us, guide...
May hosts of angels surround and protect you as babies (a baby) and as you grow into adulthood. May God continue to bless you and grant you strength and wisdom along the way. May you (both) be blessed with good health in body, mind and soul with a kind, loving heart. Enjoy your ...
Angels & Archangels Prayers & Novenas Spiritual Progression Path Through the years, I have collected some awesome prayers that I had written down in my prayer book (a.k.a. a journal) and I'd like to share them with you. At one time or another, one of these prayers always...
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of mercy, pray for me that I may be preserved this night all evil, whether of body or soul. Dear St. Joseph, all the saints and angels, and especially you, my guardian angel and my chosen patron, watch over me. I commend myself to your protection now...
Lord, I entrust my family and loved ones into Your hands tonight, knowing that You are our ultimate protector and guardian. Grant us a restful sleep, free from fear and anxiety, and awaken us refreshed in body, mind, and spirit to greet the new day with gratitude and joy. In Your holy...