Forgivenet, a sacred online space. Write a Confession, Send a letter to God, & Ask for forgiveness | Ask for forgiveness and Confession
Dear Lord, You are the Almighty God, Your Holy Spirit always stay with me. The Holy Spirit not only taught me, but also from time to time, accompany me to pray. Thank You Lord for the forgiveness of my sins, so that our prayers will be promised. We ask of You ...
Use this collection of healing prayers to ask God for His mercy and grace on the sick. Simple Prayers for Healing Prayer for Trust in God:O God, the source of all health: So fill my heart with faith in your love, that with calm expectancy I may make room for your grace to heal me...
Give me the strength to ask for forgiveness and then change my ways. ~Sarah Martin, from “The Awe & Wonder of Advent: Day 18” 5. Advent Prayer: Burning Zeal O Lord God, at the first coming of your Son Jesus Christ, you sent John the Baptist in the spirit and power of Elijah ...
Please ask your Son to show mercy and forgiveness for those souls who reject him, hurt him with their indifference and who adore false doctrine and false gods. We beseech you, dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of y...
“[One Gospel passage] concerns the curing of the ten lepers by Jesus. Of the ten only one, a foreigner, comes back to say ‘thank you’. Perhaps we can reflect today on what some of the saints have said about giving thanks to God: ...
confessing your sins to a priest. You’ve gotten your mortal sins, and perhaps venial as well, off your chest. Your conscience is clear of the gloomy haze of guilt, regret, and shame over your transgressions. Now you feel restored from God’s forgiveness and more fully able to share His...
God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. ...
reliance on the power of God to reveal, convict, heal and restore. “Prayer has to come from the right heart,”Stormie Omartian explains,“because when you’re praying for someone else, you can’t be praying manipulative prayers or angry prayers or prayers with unforgiveness in your heart....
such as the ones we’ve given here, as a “formula”. You can also pray to our Lord in your own words. Ask God for the grace of true contrition for your sins and a firm determination not to commit them again. This doesn’t mean you won’t sin again, but without God’s graces,...