Do your prayers after confession consist of the Act of Contrition you've recited for the priest, along with perhaps several Our Father’s and Hail Mary’s? As wonderful and essential as those prayers are, particularly the Act of Contrition, we have some other prayers you can say after ...
And finally, we’ve included among our prayers after Communion one to someone nearest and dearest to Jesus: His Blessed Mother! St. John of Avila once called the time after Communion “a time to gain treasures of graces.” As much as possible, as Mass is ending, open your heart to ...
1. supplication, devotion, communion The night was spent in prayer and meditation. 2. orison, litany, invocation, intercession prayers of thanksgiving 3. plea, appeal, suit, request, petition, entreaty, supplication Say a quick prayer I don't get stopped for speeding. Quotations"More things ...
It’s important that we’re praying because that is a part of the design that God made for us, this communion, for this intimacy, for this communication. So, rather than looking at it like you said an obligation, like we have the privilege to go directly to the source of the ...
Prayers Before & After Communion A collection of traditional prayers, composed by some of the Church’s greatest doctors and saints, in preparation to attend the Holy Mass and receive the Eucharist. Daily Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory Daily Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. The...
Calvary. He was soon to die the cruel death on the cross, yet He did not waver. His heart was filled with peace. He knew the Father and He trusted in Him. So He rested in this blessed knowledge and peace. And He gives it to us – oneness with the Father, fellowship, communion. ...
I’ve read that grief has a half-life –it takes as long as half the time you knew the person. So, with parents, the grief lasts a very long time. It will change, and lessen, but it will always be there. You will grow around it, ...
His use of Psalm 51 in the penitential office, “make in me a clean heart, O God…, a broken and a contrite heart, shalt thou not despise,” his responses to the Decalogue, “incline our hearts to keep this law,” and the reception of Holy Communion, “feed on him in thy heart”...
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. The Our FatherOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it ...
Read more: 20 Prayers For A Friend Prayers For Family 2. A Short Prayer For Family Our family keeps us grounded, as they are the foundation of our home here on Earth. Offer this prayer for family and ask the Lord to look after our loved ones’ happiness and health, as prayer is one...