On Thanksgiving Day, the United States the country crowded, people follow the custom of going to church prayers of Thanksgiving, urban and rural towns everywhere masked processions, theatre performances and sporting competitions, schools and shops are also complying with the provisions on holiday br...
他们定会激烈抵抗。 But this is the year 1944. Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage ...
We are so very grateful for Your hand on this nation, The United States. From its inception Your hand of direction and blessing was on it. You led our founders in righteous direction and gave them Your way to set government in three branches:The Lord is our judge; the Lord is our law...
Understanding the Resilience LandscapeThe United States and the rest of the world have entered an era characterized by a complex andincreasing number of health, climate, economic, infrastructure, and national security challenges.In addition to multi-dimensional physical threats, the United States and ...
Prayer of Thanks for the 2024 Election All praise to you, Lord of all the nations, For the glorious victory you have given your People In the United States and around the world In the results of the 2024 election. Thank you, Lord, for the election ...
On Thanksgiving Day, United States everyone busy, people follow the custom of going to the Cathedral prayers of Thanksgiving, Pageant is widespread in urban and rural municipalities, theatre performances or sporting events, and so on. Relatives who's lettin ' go today for a year will be retur...
More From The Blog The Benefits of Praying Together by Jonathan Graf I was recently in a small church that for years has struggled to grow beyond sixty people. They are dear, sincere people who want to trust God to use them MORE
The gunmen returned and opened fire. 持枪者返回并开火。 Police in Yemen have arrested five more suspects in connections with the bombing of United States Navy ship Cole in October. 也门警方逮捕了另外五名涉嫌曾在十月份爆炸“科尔”号美国海军船只的嫌疑分子。 Two Egyptians and three Yemenis are be...
Last year, the court backed a mail carrier and evangelical Christian who said the United States Postal Service violated federal law by failing to reasonably accommodate hisinability to work on Sundays. A year before that, the court’s conservatives aligned to throw out a Maine prohibition that ba...